School Programs

Give your students and staff the inspiration and tools they need to increase their resilience, self-confidence, self-identity and well-being by helping them discover and live their code.

How to increase resilience, character, and a strong sense of self identity? It’s time to book a Live Your Code program.

Live Your Code

Student Workshops & Reflection / Personal Development Days

Staff Professional Learning & Parent Nights

Whole School Partnerships

About this Topic

When young people (and adults) don’t have a strong sense of self - who they are and what they value and believe in - they are easily led by others, are less resilient, have reduced well-being and lower self-confidence. The impact of this at school is lower academic results and poor behaviour.

From my work in schools across Australia, I’ve found that around 90% of students don’t know their core values or guiding qualities. Many haven’t even thought about it before.

The Live Your Code programs develop a strong sense of self, creating the foundation upon which everything else is based, including resilience, self-confidence, and character.

All programs include highly engaging and interactive discussions, activities and stories.

Outcomes include:

  • The importance of asking, “What does this moment require of me?”

  • Discovering core values and guiding qualities

  • Building a strong sense of character

  • How to act with integrity

  • Creation of personal Code - the three aspirational qualities they’ll choose to live by

  • How to live your code in all situations

Personally, I was on such a high after the day especially viewing how the students participated with enthusiasm, engagement, and openness in their sharing throughout the day.
— Paul, Hobart

More Info

All packages include:

A pre-engagement call with Dave Jorna

Live Your Code journals for all attendees

Workshops feature:

Unlimited students

90 - 120 minute live session

Reflection / Personal Development Days feature:

Up to 250 students

Full day program

Staff Professional Learning

Up to 250 staff

90 minute to full day program

Parent Nights

Up to 250 seats

90 minute workshop

Whole School Partnership

Tailored program for your school